Sadhguru looks at how most people are successful by accident and are therefore suffering their success. Organization and Mindfulness We organize our closets, kitchens, tools, our g[...]
Sadhguru looks at the process of generating a thought, and how one can create a thought that manifests naturally in the world. Mind Control Although it sounds a bit like science fi[...]
Sadhguru speaks about the subtleties of the Isha Kriya practice and how “I am not the body, I am not the mind” is not a slogan, philosophy, or ideology, but a fragrance added so th[...]
The Youth and Truth series is a movement led by Sadhguru to empower youth with the required clarity and perspective necessary to enable them to realize their full potential. The mo[...]
Sadhguru speaks about how we can tap into the true possibility of the mind, by reaching the Chitta, a dimension where God becomes your slave! Changing Your Life Have you ever want[...]
Did you know that the game of golf is as old as 1497? Its origin was a game played on the eastern coast of Scotland during the 15th century. At that time, players used sticks to hi[...]
How many days have you awakened feeling full of joy? Now compare that to how many days you have awakened feeling tired and barely able to start your day? Do you reach for a coffee [...]
The seven deadly sins have their roots in Egyptian times and have influenced religion, art, and today’s media. These sins were believed to be transgressions which inhibit spiritual[...]
We all at one time or another have had questions about life. What is our purpose? Does all we see and experience have a deeper meaning? How can we live our lives in the best possib[...]