Have you ever experienced thoughts that just pop into your head and you can’t stop them? Or maybe you see yourself grabbing the second piece of pie, even though you are trying to[...]
Wouldn’t it be great to wake up each morning with a smile, feeling exuberant? You would start the day not reaching for that cup of coffee or thinking about what happened yesterda[...]
At some point in our lives, we might have felt trapped. It might be a feeling of being trapped in a job, house, neighborhood, financial circumstance, or relationship. However, we[...]
When people think about yoga, their first thoughts are about physical postures. Often, difficult postures come to mind, such as the headstand or twisting and turning the body in [...]
Cartoons are just as violent today as they were years ago. Unfortunately, modern technology has enabled cartoons and other violence-imbedded venues to reach more children today t[...]
If you have ever watched young children, you will see that they run around most of the time joyfully and just seem happy to be alive. Sometimes they might cry or be sad, but usuall[...]
The countless love and romance books, movies, and songs produced by every culture attest to the fact that most people wish to have that experience. Dating, courtship, and marriag[...]
Very few people have not watched at least one movie at some point in their lives. Today, it is even easier to do. You don’t have to drive to the theater. You can very conveniently [...]
For the average person, three dimensions define their world. Four, if you include time. However, for mathematicians and scientists, other dimensions are theorized to exist. In fact[...]