Party hat aside, the New Year has begun, and you are ready to write a list of this year’s goals and personal improvement plans. Yep, this year you really mean it. It doesn’t matt[...]
Magic, romance, and beauty are three things people have wished for in every culture for untold centuries. Magic is the subject of stories, music, and movies. These stories and mu[...]
During the 1960s a distinct generation gap came to light. The younger generation of that time, publicly and as a large group, questioned and went against everything their paren[...]
The sum of a person’s actions in this lifetime and in previous states of existence is viewed as karma. Karma is said to define our lives and the directions our lives take. The [...]
According to a recent report on poverty: “Billions of people around the world live in extreme poverty. Nearly 10 percent of the world’s population. That’s almost 1 [...]
The evil-eye is believed to be a curse cast through a malevolent glare or a spoken curse. It is usually cast upon a person without their knowledge. Many cultures believe that r[...]
It has been said that younger people ask more questions about life as they struggle to find their place in the world and that older people tend to settle into whatever life they [...]
Profit and consumer demand are at the forefront of any business structure. However, as global environmental issues have become more pressing and prevalent, the negative effects m[...]
Changes in climate affect everyone’s lives. It goes beyond what people experience as daily unpredictable weather patterns. Climate change seeps into our daily lives in other ways[...]