If a person is most often quiet and reserved, they are labeled as an introvert. Vocabulary.com has this to say about introvert versus extrovert: Introvert comes from Latin intro-, [...]
On February 14th, Valentine’s Day is celebrated across the United States and in many other places around the world doing as well. People profess their love to others by giving them[...]
What are the advantages of being rich? These are some of the common responses to that question. Rich people can invest their money and have the choice to work, or not. Their basic [...]
Sadhguru is a man whose passion spills into everything he encounters. Named one of India’s 50 most influential people, Sadhguru’s work has touched the lives of millions[...]
The pursuit of pleasure seeps into all aspects of our lives, from a desire for our favorite dessert to the goals we set to create a successful and happy life. What makes one person[...]
Video games were once a pastime confined to youth. Today people of all ages are indulging in this recreation. Advances in game technology have provided gaming with storylines and [...]
With most people experienceing stress around every corner, and in a world powered by technology, people are doing more work from a sitting position than ever before. They sit at th[...]
For many people, sitting in a library, where there is only the noise of the occasional screech made by moving a chair, is a welcome change from the bombardment of the noises usuall[...]
We can be involved in many types of relationships in the course of our lives. These include family, friends, co-workers, peers, schoolmates, and life partners. Feeling understood, [...]