For centuries, pyramids have fascinated and puzzled people. Not only do pyramids have mysterious voids and hidden chambers but one of their most perplexing features is how they were constructed to be so perfectly aligned. There are hypotheses, such as the builders used the pole star to align the pyramids. Or the sun’s shadow. But none of these explanations has gotten a hundred percent vote from all researchers.
Did you know that there are around 138 Egyptian pyramids? The Pyramid of Khufu, also called the Pyramid of Giza, is over 480 feet tall. This pyramid points very precisely to the north. The base of the pyramids were always a perfect square and most of the pyramids are built of limestone. There are many myths and stories surrounding the use and history of the pyramids. Which are true?
Sadhguru busts some pyramid myths, while also explaining the science behind the pyramid structure and how it affects prana.