It is another beautiful morning, but you are feeling a bit tired and cranky. You worked late yesterday and didn’t get a restful sleep. Maybe you are thinking of just skipping doing your yoga practices this morning. What should you do?
When doing anything that produces both immediate and long-term effects, it usually also requires consistency. For instance, you brush your teeth daily for just those reasons and you know that if you eat in a healthy way daily basis, you will feel better. If you have ever become bedridden or otherwise physically restricted, once you were able to move around again you knew how your muscles had weakened as a result. So what about sadhana? If you practice diligently, will you go beyond just physical benefits? Will sadhana or spiritual practices help unravel the mysteries of life? Will you find answers to life’s burning questions?
See what Sadhguru has to say about the impact of kriyas, meditation, and other yogic practices on the search for truth.