You can spend a lifetime trying to figure out the best way to approach life. Some people passively coast through, hoping that luck is on their side. Others strive to find the optim[...]
Have you ever visited an art museum and just sat in front of a painting, mesmerized? No words or thoughts invaded your space. No critique or analysis of the artwork, just being the[...]
Logic is the study of reasoning or argumentation. Its purpose is to enable one to make valid deductions or cogent inferences from suppositions. It is intended to facilitate better [...]
Fruits are a healthy choice. They are a whole food, convenient, and contain less sugar than most processed desserts. Their sugar content is released at a slower pace as fruit takes[...]
What is the purpose of a philosophy? Why do some people find it to be a necessary part of their lives? The word philosophy comes from the Greek philo, love, and sophis, wisdom. It [...]
Ever wonder why your parents chose your name? There are many choices when trying to come up with a name for a baby. Even the sounds and spelling of a particular name can vary. Ther[...]
Copper has a reddish-metallic coloring that makes it unique when compared with all the elements. It is used as a building material and for making jewelry, coins, and many other thi[...]
She wasn’t a strong woman. That is, she could not pick up and carry a forty-pound item. But, still, so many people admired her for her gentle but persistent efforts to accomplish t[...]
Pregnancy can be a time of joy, a blossoming period for both mother and child. It is also a time when many mothers-to-be start to think about taking better care of themselves since[...]