Remember the first time you heard about ghosts as a child? Maybe your older sibling tried to scare you, or your first Halloween was filled with ghost stories? The idea that the dead remain with us in some form or another is an ancient belief. Ghost stories can be found in the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, and India, as well as regions of Mesoamerica and the Celtic lands of Ireland and Scotland.

Those ancient stories and even modern ghost stories depict the soul of a human being as surviving death and somehow still being able to manifest in the world of the living. The details of the afterlife in the different cultures varied, but the basic premise was that some type of realm existed and that the appearance of ghosts of the departed was rarely considered a welcomed event. But really, are there such things as ghosts? How is that possible?

Sadhguru explains ghosts, hauntings, and paranormal activity.


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POSTED IN:Consciousness, Videos

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