Opinions have more weight than a two-ton boulder. Just like a boulder, they are hard to move or change. Sometimes no amount of debate or conversation can change someone’s opinion. [...]
Sadhguru looks at the process of generating a thought, and how one can create a thought that manifests naturally in the world. Mind Control Although it sounds a bit like science fi[...]
The homemade pie filled the room with the sweet aroma of blueberries and prompted her to tell her friend about her grandmother and mother. She related how her childhood was filled [...]
The classroom was filled with laughter and children scurrying about with different tasks. Each group was assigned to help another group if they finished first. It was a cooperative[...]
She took out her iPad and researched what she should take on her journey to Spain. She considered the weather, the areas she would visit, and the number of items that her suitcases[...]
Falling in love is thought to have many stages, coupled with sunny, cloudy, and stormy days. It also usually manifests differently, depending on your age. When you are sixteen, it [...]
Sadhguru speaks about the subtleties of the Isha Kriya practice and how “I am not the body, I am not the mind” is not a slogan, philosophy, or ideology, but a fragrance added so th[...]
Chromosomes contain the building blocks for creating any living thing. They exist in almost every cell’s nucleus and are made from strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Sections [...]
Walking, listening to music, or watching a show can be a resort, to help you relax or remove yourself from what you deem to be your personal burdens. The big drawback – it’s only a[...]