You are riding your bike on a beautiful sunny fall day. The scenery on both sides of the bike path is full of fall foliage. It is breathtaking. As your head turns to view a large woodpecker hammering at an old oak, you fail to see the large rock in your path. You hear the bang, and you lose your balance. You and the bike have now met the ground. What do you do? Do you get up, dust yourself off, and get back on your bike, or do you just stay there where you fell, crestfallen and defeated?

Countless times, no matter how careful a planner we might be, life will throw unexpected things our way. Sometimes those things will be fortunate and promote our desires, and other times those things will have the opposite effect. So, what is really in our control? How can we handle all that comes our way?

Sadhguru states that even as human beings, we don’t have “absolute choice to choose our situations; but” he explains, “we have been given the freedom to choose our experience.”

Listen as he tells us how we can accomplish this.

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POSTED IN:mind, Self-Empowerment, Videos

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