Tug of war, tag, marbles, and musical chairs are just a few of the games that have stood the test of time. Children often create their own games using toys, nature, and even internet prompts. And when children play, it is usually with total involvement. Sometimes there is an element of competition, and at other times it is based on loving the moment for what it is.
Adults, however, tend to equate playfulness with either fierce sport competition or moderate jokes poked at work peers, friends, or partners. Have adults lost the joy of playfulness?
Playfulness, says Sadhguru, has been wrongly equated with irresponsibility. Instead of walking around with a long face, entangled with your own creation, if you are playful with life and in tune with the larger creation, it is the most responsible way to live. If you want to walk the path of devotion, you cannot save yourself – you must burn with passion.