These days you can’t look anywhere in public without seeing people using a cell phone. Whether they are walking, waiting for the bus, sitting in a theater, or sometimes even driving, cell phones are out. Have you ever been seated at a restaurant among family or friends, and at some point, someone in your company checks their phone? Maybe even types out and sends a text in the middle of the dinner conversation. It has reached all corners of our activity.

Parents often attempt to curtail their children’s cell phone use, but it is not easy to do. The days of letters, tabletop phone calls which were limited by physical location, and face-to-face conversations are being replaced by the quick and easy text or cell-phone call. That’s not to say that cell phones aren’t useful. Often a quick call can save a life or help us out of a difficult situation, such as when your car breaks down. But how can we stop it from being part of nearly every minute of our life?

During an interview with Dubai TV, Sadhguru explains that a phone is a fantastic tool but, unfortunately, people have become compulsive about using it. Trying to control this compulsion is not a solution. So, what is? Watch on!


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