Opinions have more weight than a two-ton boulder. Just like a boulder, they are hard to move or change. Sometimes no amount of debate or conversation can change someone’s opinion. When someone is so intent on believing that their opinion is a fact and everyone else is delusional, then, like a boulder, the opinion obstructs their vision.
A person’s beliefs are influenced by their culture, education, and their own memories. It is well known that different people often walk away from the same event with very different perceptions. As time passes, even their own memory might waiver when recalling that same event. Even crowds can influence a person’s belief by their sheer numbers and emotional output. You might walk in with doubts but leave the gathering with strengthened views.
Conflicting beliefs have been known to be the catalyst behind violent acts, such as hate crimes and bullying. Why so much intolerance? How can we transform our own intolerances into acceptances and inclusions?
The source of all fighting in the world, says Sadhguru, is one man’s belief versus another’s, because they all believe things that they do not know. If you realize that you do not know, he explains, then you will seek.