Do you want to be healthy? Have you found it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle while fulfilling your daily obligations? Sadhguru offers us a solution that anyone can easily[...]
During this critical time, many people are swimming in fear and anxiety. Questions about the course of the coronavirus and its impact on our lives tomorrow and even next month are [...]
Have you ever noticed that, after eating a candy bar or other sweet, you were energized briefly, but then felt very tired an hour or so later? The human body is a complex chemical [...]
Animals will periodically fast. They do so during hibernation, mating, and migration. Sometimes, during illness, they will also fast. During this time their insulin resistance is h[...]
What are your eating habits? Are you an all-day snacker? Do you use food as a reward? Do you find it hard to eat a healthy diet daily and instead go with what is quick and convenie[...]
Words are one of the most powerful forces available to us. They have been used as a means of encouragement. Or conversely, as a means of destruction. Linguists and writers often as[...]
Did you know that 264 million people worldwide have been recorded as having depression? The WHO (World Health Organization) lists depression as a common mental disorder that is als[...]
Nature performs all types of miracles for us every day. She provides air, water, plant life—including edibles—and enables naturally occurring recycling as she balances all of life’[...]
Darshan is derived from the Sanskrit word darsana, meaning sight, vision or appearance. But what is the yogic meaning? According to Sadhguru: There is one kind of meeting which we [...]