The field of environmental ethics studies the ethical relationships between people and the earth. This includes all living species and the best way to maintain a healthy balance for all creatures and Mother Nature. With overpopulation, industrial advances, and people’s  desires to make a profit no matter the environmental impact, raising human consciousness is essential.

We need to ask ourselves how we can help. If everyone waits for the next person to do something, little or nothing will be achieved in the way of achieving environmental protection. What principles and rules can we follow as we interact daily with the environment? This can include the better management of our water, trash, parks,  transportation and food supply. How can we understand and remind ourselves of the relationship between humans all other life on this planet and the natural environment?

In this Spot video, Sadhguru introduces Conscious Planet, an initiative to create a world where a large number of human beings act consciously, and where communities and governments take more responsible environmental action. To really create an impact, Sadhguru says, “We want to get three billion people on board.”

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation
  1. Susanne Vollmer Reply
    Yet another very inspiring posting. I hope Sadhgurus movement "conscious planet" will find many supporters- when checking news about the future on a global scale this is really one of the most witty and reasonable attempts. I hope people in sensitive keypositions around the globe take notice of this.
  2. Stenia shubin Reply
    What a wonderful relief to have this happening and not a moment too soon. To raise our consciousness as an individual is a life goal. And to do this collectively for all concerned is a powerful thing. I’m so pleased to be alive in this moment and can’t wait to get involved.

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