Many people started smoking when they were teenagers. They relate that peer pressure caused them to start smoking. Surprisingly, many young and even older people start and continue to smoke because they believe that, since so many people smoke, how harmful can it really be? Also, people who have friends or parents who smoke are more likely to start smoking as opposed to those who don’t.

The tobacco industry’s ads, price breaks, and other promotions for its products are big influences in people’s lives. If it weren’t an effective means of promoting their products’ sales, the tobacco industry would not spend billions of dollars each year on their ads. These ads are usually deceiving as they attempt to show smoking as an exciting, glamorous, and safe occupation. In addition, many video games, online videos, and movies depict some characters as smokers.

Kicking the smoking habit can be difficult. The fact that information regarding the health hazards of smoking is not as prevalent in today’s media as are the ads encouraging people to smoke can exasperate an individual’s attempt to stop smoking.

In this video, Sadhguru shows us how we can deal with physiological and psychological factors that stand in the way of quitting.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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