Did you know that historians claim that board games are actually prehistoric? They also claim that the first game was dice and that it predates written language. Archaeologists based these claims on a discovery of a series of 49 small, carved, painted stones. They were found at the 5,000-year-old Başur Höyük burial mound in southeast Turkey. These are believed to be among the very first game pieces. Similar dice-like pieces were found in Syria and Iraq. These finds suggest that the first board games originated in the Fertile Crescent. Fun fact: The same region is thought to be where they first invented papyrus, breath mints, and calendars.
Since then, the different types of board games have grown in diversity. Some types include logic, cooperation skills, cards, war strategy, and mystery. Playing board games can bring people closer together and strengthen relationships or foster an intense sense of competition, sometimes leading to frustration. However, generally, they mostly result in fun and laughter, but can these activities also lead to meditativeness?
As the lockdown continues, jigsaw puzzles, coloring books, and board games are in high demand. Sadhguru answers a question about whether they can help one become meditative.