Have you ever wondered what the relationship between you and your personality is? Are you your personality? Can your personality change, and what does it mean if it does? In this [...]
For many, the world of business is seen as a place for rational thinking, a place where emotion is not welcome. Business leaders and economists praise the intellect and speak of th[...]
When someone states that a person is considered a genius, who do you think would fit into that category? It is a man in a lab coat who has made remarkable discoveries? Is it an art[...]
You establish goals and have dreams you hope to fulfill. You are excited about these possibilities and how you wish to craft your life. You start the work to make your dreams a rea[...]
Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya is an ancient kriya and a powerful 21-minute practice with millions of dedicated practitioners worldwide. Studies have been documented showing the many be[...]
His bills were piling up. His mortgage was overdue, and his spouse was nearly in tears. What to do? He had lost his job and she could not find one. They both felt that their lives [...]
Has the process of evolution essentially ended for humans, or do we as a species still have room to grow? If evolution is still happening for the human race, what form is it taking[...]
Have you ever heard of someone who claimed they saw themselves hovering over their body as they laid, near death, in an operating room? Countless books and videos relate stories of[...]
The debate as to whether a vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet is the better life choice continues to this day. Looking at both groups, you might find some similarities and some spac[...]