Last year she’d broken up with someone suddenly without really taking his feelings into consideration. She was rude and brusque and thought little of it at the time. Now it was her turn to be on the hurting end of that dynamic. She’d just confessed deep feelings for the man she was dating, and he immediately ended the relationship. Was this her karma? Was it fate? Had she just gotten what was coming to her because of her past behaviors?
Unfortunately, the idea of karma has become deeply buried in misunderstanding, which has obscured its true nature and reduced the usefulness of an otherwise potentially transformative spiritual concept. To clear off the dust and cobwebs, we might start by asking fundamental questions such as these: What is karma? How does it differ from fate or destiny? Is it possible to fully embrace our karma, and why might we want to do that? How can the concept of karma, if understood correctly, create tremendous possibilities for transformation and growth in our lives?
In this video, an excerpt from a longer conversation with Mindvalley CEO Vishen Lakhiani, Sadhguru defines karma for us and helps us understand how we can use it to craft our own destinies.