A bond between two partners in marriage or any committed relationship is intimate, multi-layered and complex, and it is hard to say what defines the quality of this relationship. Relationships between people sometimes deepen over time, while at other times they grow stagnant and fall apart.
There is usually a lot of pain associated when people separate, and things sometimes turn ugly. How can these situations be avoided? Are breakups because of mismatched personality styles trying to make it work? We do know that physical attraction dies down over time with age though it may have been a significant factor in two people coming together initially. As people grow older it is also possible for them to develop different perspectives based on their life experiences, and priorities may change.
Is what binds people together then their value systems or maybe their ability to put themselves in the other person’s shoes and adapt as needed? Perhaps some level of compromise from both people in a relationship to meet the other person mid-way may help. Engaging in shared common interests and activities is a great way to initiate a new relationship and it may help in adding spice to an existing relationship as well.
There is no easy formula for success in a relationship, and it may also depend on life situations and circumstances. At a minimum, having mutual respect for each other and an ability to adjust to one another’s way of living life seems likely to help in navigating the uncertainties of life together, and a touch of humor is bound to keep things light and fun even when things get mundane or dull.
Listen to Sadhguru do some insightful onion-peeling in explaining what makes relationships work and how to avoid the pitfalls which lead to pain and suffering. He also emphasizes the need to remind oneself of the reasons we came into the relationship in the first place.
Swastya October 6, 2021 at 5:41 pmGreat information thanks for sharing this great article
Sindhu June 1, 2023 at 9:24 pmVery helpful guidance! Thank you