Holding his newly born infant in his arms, the dad knew that he would be a doctor. This boy would surpass everyone else in his family in terms of career and financial success. Foll[...]
She had two new job offers. She spent several sleepless nights caught up in trying to decide which job to take. Her mind was flooded with scenarios depicting what job number one wo[...]
Sadhguru has often said that “society is overripe for a spiritual process.” His fundamental vision is to offer the science of inner wellbeing to every human being – a science that [...]
From the World Health Organization: Suicide remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, according to WHO’s latest estimates, published today in “Suicide worldwide in 2019[...]
What does the word guru mean? The literal translation of guru is someone who is a “dispeller of darkness.” Usually, the darkness is considered human ignorance. Today the term is us[...]
What causes us to feel lethargic, and is there a way to overcome low-energy states? Is it based on our diets? Is it based on our fears? Is it based on our repetitious patterns of t[...]
Sitting in the park, a mother on the bench and her son on the ground near her, each had extremely different reactions to what happened next. The young boy was watching a spider tha[...]
Her boss was known for his harsh treatment of his employees. He just did not seem to be able to correct someone without demeaning them in the process. The result was a large turnar[...]
Have you ever had good intentions, but what you intended did not go as planned? Maybe even the person that you were trying to help became upset, rather than embracing your efforts.[...]