Back in the day, your mother or grandmother would often use home remedies for common aliments for their children that their mothers had passed on to them. Sometimes the origin of these miraculous remedies is unknown, but they seemed to have had some validity and often produced positive results. Later, as modern medicine, in conjunction with technological advances, grew in scope, many of these traditional remedies were debunked or discouraged.
A culture of health means enabling awareness and policies that foster health and well-being across geographic, demographic, and social sectors. It allows communities to guide individuals into educated decision-making about healthy lifestyles. Why is it so important, especially in our day and time, when medical advances are continuing to grow?
During this conversation between cardiac surgeon Dr. Devi Shetty and Sadhguru, Dr. Shetty inquires about how to convince patients that surgery is not always a necessity. Sadhguru explains that long-term health cannot be achieved through medical science as we know it. Instead, a better sense of how to optimally maintain the body, mind, breath, food, and one’s atmosphere is needed to evolve a culture of health.