We’ve all heard stories like this: a beloved artist, celebrity, entrepreneur, or musician seems to be at the top of their game. They seem to have it all: money, fame, big houses, expensive vacations, time with loved ones, and more. But then things start to unravel, and they find themselves receding from the limelight and needing to rebuild some key elements of their lives. What happened? Was their success just a fluke to begin with, or was it just not built on a solid foundation from the start?
These days, it’s more possible than ever before for us to create a life we love, a life of meaning, purpose, and satisfying work that builds on our core skills and makes a contribution to something greater than ourselves. But building that life is only just the first step; sustaining and maintaining it long term are what most people have in mind. All of these things will take strength, and not just in the physical sense. But what are the other types of strength we’ll need, and how can we develop and sustain that strength? In this video, Sadhguru discusses some ways that we can create a stable platform upon which our best selves can blossom to the fullest.