He was called into his boss’s office. The conversation did not go well. His boss indirectly told him that he was going to have to lay him off, but he was a valuable employee nonetheless. It was a soft pitch but a hard blow, and he could tell that his boss was just not being up front with him. He just wanted the truth and asked for it, plain and simple. However, his boss was incapable of delivering it.
We don’t always like what we hear and often people will sugarcoat a response to not have to deal with a potentially irate situation or even just to spare a person from feeling upset or sad. But is this the best way to help someone? Is it better to speak the truth or muffle it somehow?
Responding to a question on whether Gurus always speak the truth, Sadhguru says it’s his duty to show people things as they are, rather than giving them solace.
Lu October 1, 2021 at 5:14 amThank you so much Sadhguru for saving my life. I am eternally grateful.