Everyday from 9 to 5 she sat in front of her computer completing the rote tasks demanded by her job. She would take an hour break for lunch, but often that hour consisted of only a quick sandwich as she lacked the ambition to make anything else to eat. The weight of her routine life felt hard to bear and draining. Her friends seemed so much luckier in that they landed fulfilling and creative jobs while she drudgingly accepted the only job offer that she received.
Ever wondered why life seems to be going against you at every turn? Or why some people seem to have a red carpet laid out for them? Sadhguru explains that there is a certain intelligence, called akashic intelligence, which plays a role in how we go through life. He states, “To nourish the human being into a greater possibility, it is very important how the water, the air, the earth, the fire and the fifth dimension – which is the largest one, the space or akash – behave.
In this video a seeker asks Sadhguru to discuss the akashic records. Sadhguru speaks about these records and explains that it is a way of accessing an eternal fount of knowing, in the non-physical dimension.