They were the best of friends and usually got together weekly. On one such occasion, they cooked a fancy meal, which was more like a feast for kings. After enjoying their extravagant dinner, they decided that a walk was needed to help settle their full stomachs. After their walk in the local park, they sat on a bench facing the pond to talk. Their conversation led to descriptions of what each had observed on their walk, and it soon became apparent that, surprisingly to them, each of the three friends had totally different recollections and experiences.
Have you ever got into a heated argument caused by you remembering an incident one way, while the other person remembered it very differently? How can we differentiate between what is real and what our minds have created? How does this tie in with our concept and experience of time and space?
A seeker asks Sadhguru, is it true that time and space do not really exist? Only because you have a physical body, Sadhguru answers, are time and space realities in your experience.