It can sometimes seem that everyone is concerned with success nowadays. A quick google search for “how to be successful” yields hundreds of thousands of results, including books, articles, videos and podcasts. There are countless different theories of success, each including different practical suggestions for how to be successful. This focus makes a certain amount of sense, after all, our success in business, in school, in hobbies or in our relationships plays a major role in determining the course of our lives. Yet, with all these different theories and suggestions, how are we to decide what to do and what not to do? Is there any way that Yoga can provide a solution?
The answer to this question, perhaps surprisingly, is yes! Yoga offers the key insights that success is intimately linked to our powers of attention and that if attention is properly used, no challenge can stand in the way. But, how do we maximize the power of our attention? And how do we use our attention to find success?
Hear Sadhguru share insights on the power of attention to create success and what it means to be truly attentive. Sadhguru enlivens these insights with a personal story about how his capacity for attention enabled the success of his early business enterprises.