Have you ever been so mentally involved in trying to resolve a situation that you forget to really look at it? Reality can often seem subjective as we glide through life, thinking[...]
Sports broadcasters often state that a baseball pitcher, football quarterback, golfer, etc., is out of rhythm when they are not performing as well as is usual. Conversely, they mi[...]
Now that summer is almost coming to an end, it’s time to go back to school. As parents prepare for their children’s coming academic year it is also a time to think about making sur[...]
We struggle from time to time, wishing to get ahead in life and dream of things being easier. Having enough money, time, energy, work and friends are most people’s goals. But even [...]
Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more ene[...]
Most people want to do, be, and have great things. Yet not many people can state that they have created the life they really want. Often, people blame that on not having enough mo[...]
There are many traditions surrounding the date of one’s birth. In many countries around the world, an individual’s birthday is celebrated by a party with a cake, usually dec[...]
Ping! Ping! Ping! Whether it’s Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram or whatever, are you constantly distracted by your mobile? Sadhguru addresses those who are glued to their phones – wha[...]
Moving the body seems so natural for young children. So many love to run around, dance and get involved in other physical activities. Yet as we grow older, the couch, rather than[...]