Getting a good night’s sleep in contributing to your overall energy levels. But while we all know how important regular shut-eye is, we aren’t always aware of all the different wa[...]
Questioner: Sadhguru, I had a big disaster in my life, several months ago. I lost my life savings – about half a million dollars – and it left me destitute. I almost thought that G[...]
Lying on the vibrant carpet of grass, comfy as velvet, eyes glued on the passing cloud formations. One looks like a bear, another a horse, another a bird in flight. or just an ama[...]
In today’s world, anyone equipped with access to the internet’s public platforms and basic technological knowledge has the tools to make their voice heard on a mass sca[...]
How can meditation help you unlock your creative potential? Sadhguru explains 3 more ways below: Relief from Anxiety and Stress Sadhguru: “The moment you create anxiety, ther[...]
Whether you work in a creative industry, or you express your artistic and innovative side in your free time, you rely on your mind for inspiration and new ideas. When your mind is[...]
In this article, Sadhguru discusses the nature of family. On a certain day, at a family dinner, Shankaran Pillai* announced that he was getting married. His mother looked shocked a[...]
Sadhguru addresses the nature of “Tomorrow”: “There is a popular superstition in some villages in India. As soon as the sun sets, the villagers fear that ghosts a[...]
We’ve all been there… You work hard all morning, stop to break for lunch and then can’t seem to get motivated again to regain your productivity. But while it’s natural for [...]