LACK OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY When it comes to being couch potatoes, Americans aren’t alone. Physical inactivity has become a global pandemic, according to researchers in a series of r[...]
The New Year started out with a bang for the Isha Florida volunteers! It was during Sadhguru’s New Year’s Eve darshan at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences that the word was out,[...]
A Chess Master shares his experience and the benefits of his Isha Yoga practice: My name is Keaton Kiewra. I am a chess master who learned chess 17 years ago when I was seven. I [...]
Everyone has a bad day or gets down in the dumps from time to time. But, when it is experienced for a long stretch of time, it may indicate depression, a disease that affects 14.8 [...]
Do you find that your life is too busy to fit anything more? You want to do something towards your well-being, however you don’t know how to squeeze it into you[...]
The start of spring brings a myriad of new life – nesting birds, trees budding into green, and of course, flowers blooming. In cultures around the world, in every stage of li[...]
As parents, we all want to see our children find success and happiness in life. However, the process of growing up inevitably includes more than a few bumps and bruises, with highs[...]
Below Sadhguru speaks about the personality as a costume we create for ourselves – one which, if we learn to keep it down, we can change and transform however we want. Perso[...]
Getting a good night’s sleep in contributing to your overall energy levels. But while we all know how important regular shut-eye is, we aren’t always aware of all the different wa[...]