
Did you ever feel as if you are moving along in life on “automatic pilot”? When driving a car, you can set it to move at a certain speed automatically; you then just have to steer and try not to hit anything. This same thing can happen in your life when you are on auto-pilot, just cruising through life without really engaging in it, hoping that it all turns out well.

Maybe you have found yourself at a party or at an event with friends, when suddenly you stop and ask yourself, “Why am I here doing this?”  Most people seem to follow patterns or habits when making decisions and choices.  According to many scientists, such as Doctor Bruce Lipton, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, our brains unconsciously direct our behaviors, pulling from our storehouses of lifelong subjective experiences that form our unique selves, and that our unconscious minds are working 95 percent of the time, leaving our conscious minds working at only 5 percent.

Sadhguru provides us with insight into why we develop behavioral patterns, and how to be the drivers of our own lives.

Sadhguru: “The whole science of yoga is just to work on these three levels: body, mind, and energy.  Any human being can explore his capabilities to the fullest only when he exists in a state where there are no issues of his own.  There are no internal issues, either of body, thought, or emotion.  It is only in this state that he can find expression to all that he is.  All that we are doing in the form of yoga is just that.

You decide where you want to go, the next course and destination.  It is in your hands.  As there is a physical science for external well-being, there is an inner science, a yogic science.  With this, you can take your destiny 100 percent into your own hands.”

Everything you have perceived has imprinted itself on your mind and even on your energy.  The very way your body behaves, the very way your energies behave, is a result of the past impressions.  Because of these impressions, you develop certain tendencies.  These are unconscious tendencies.

Your body, your mind, your emotions, your energies, everything works according to these tendencies that evolve because of the vast store of impressions.  Unless one rises to a certain pitch of awareness and has a certain mastery over oneself, one is always being pushed and pulled by these tendencies that have been created unconsciously.

With the very first step of yoga you are trying to take charge of some part of you, starting with the body, the breath, and then the mind and the energy.  You are going step by step.  It is more than just about being free from suffering.  You can definitely change the course of your destiny.”

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment

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