When someone gets something in life that you think is special, can you say congratulations and mean it? Or do you feel upset and think, “Why wasn’t that me?” Feelings o[...]
Below Sadhguru speaks about the personality as a costume we create for ourselves – one which, if we learn to keep it down, we can change and transform however we want. Perso[...]
The debate as to whether a vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet is the better life choice continues to this day. Looking at both groups, you might find some similarities and some spac[...]
Body image is thrust upon us from an early age. Are we heavyset, thin, or just right according to the current social standards? It is usually based more on appearance than on healt[...]
Children as well as many adults love stories, especially stories that end with their characters living happily ever after. Who doesn’t want to vicariously live a joyful and fulfill[...]
Today, people seem to be living overly stressful lifestyles. Do you see yourself doing that? Maybe you have taken on too much. Perhaps you worry about not being sufficiently succ[...]
Click the play button below to watch the video. The Full Transcription of This Video is Below… Impact of Solar Flares on Human Consciousness There has been such a dynamic cha[...]
It is believed that tattoos first emerged in the 1800s, when they were used to mark a criminal or deviant. Today, tattoos are very commonplace and are used as body decorations. Man[...]
It is a new year and generally people feel a bit of hope as it marks the start of something new. Many people feel it is a farewell to the old and a greeting to the new. It is an op[...]