Have you ever stayed awake at night consumed by negative thoughts and feelings? Especially, during and post COVID-19, many of us are aware of a sharp increase in stress and anxiety amongst several age groups in the society. Fear and frustration may be taking over some minds, as unpleasant and harsh external situations tend to act as triggers to these negative emotions. How does one deal with these mental disturbances?
Some of us may not be aware of these emotions lurking within us. For those who are aware, what should they do to overcome the negative feelings and create pleasant emotions within themselves? Should they analyze their thoughts before trying to figure out how to handle them? Would observing and keeping track of the thinking patterns give them an in depth understanding of how their mind responds to situations? How can one study emotions? How can one monitor progress?
In this video, Sadhguru answers these questions: “You must do this every day in the night before you go to sleep. Just keep a note of this, because this is like you’re doing business. Then you know you’re moving forward or backward. So, most people who are negative don’t even know that they’re negative, only other people experience it. If you’re beginning to know ‘I am negative,’ you are growing. Making some progress. Because this is the nature of your existence. If somebody comes close to you, if their mouth is smelling, you know his mouth is smelling. But if your own is smelling, your smelling instrument is sitting right here – inspector – doesn’t know. Hello? Right here. See, the nose is right here, but it can’t smell this, but it can smell that, and that, and that. This is the nature of your existence. So, if you begin to see your own negativity, you’re growing, you’re progressing.”
“So, if you don’t know how, you must do this every day in the night, before you go to sleep. You can do Isha Kriya just before you go to bed. Just for a few minutes, even lying down, you just do it, and fall asleep. Before that, you just write… just one page; today – not in terms of what you did – in terms of your experience, are you little more joyful, little more peaceful, little better, or are you worse? Just keep a note of this, because this is like you’re doing business. If you’re keeping your accounts good… see, what you write for the income tax, it’s up to you, but for you to run the business, you’re keeping proper accounts, then you know you’re moving forward or backward, you’re making profit or loss. You did not keep any accounts; after 10 years, you may go bankrupt suddenly one day. “Something happened, something happened.” Nothing happened. You didn’t keep track of things, that’s all happened.”
“So, for everything, whether it is your… your own progress, or your business, or your family, do not try to invent mystical reasons that, “You know, suddenly I got heart attack.” Nobody suddenly gets a heart attack, you’re slowly working for it. Yes! “Suddenly, I became depressed.” No, no, you’re working for it. One day you will succeed! If I say this, a whole lot of people will get at me, “There is no guru, no compassion, no nothing.” It’s up to you whether you want to live in somebody’s compassion, or in the strength of your own sense – it’s up to you.”