A key is a great symbol. It may represent an opening, a doorway being unlocked, and a powerful tool for creating new possibilities. At the same time, it’s probably safe to say that not all keys have equal significance. Which keys will help us open the doors that really matter? Which will help us unlock doors that lead to truly rich, satisfying lives?
And even once we have those keys in hand, what does success really look like? What does impact really take? Below, Sadhguru elaborates and shares three keys, each of which offers the possibility of an uncommon level of success and impact in life.
Key #1 to Achieve Success and Create Impact – Competence
“Those who are not successful think, if you read 10 points in a book, you’re going to be successful. If there were tips for success, everybody would have been successful. There are no tips for success. Hands on, you’ve got to do a million things.
We need to understand this: if you want to be successful, don’t seek success. What you seek is competence. If you enable yourself, and if you do something well, other people will say you’re a success. You don’t seek success; you seek empowerment, you seek competence, you do it the best that you can do. You cannot do as well as somebody, but you can do the best that you can do. If you do your best, if your best is good enough, the world will recognize this; if it is not, you will be happy.”
Key #2 to Achieve Success and Create Impact – Commitment over Comfort
“But those who have been very successful, either in music, sport, art, business, spiritual process, doesn’t matter what, those people…never know when they ate, when they slept, when they got afternoon rest. So, those who are committed to being successful with whatever they’re doing, one important aspect of their life is, they’re not settling down wherever it’s a bit comfortable. Because comfort will happen when they lower you to in the grave, very comfortable you are there, you know?
Right now, it’s about ensuring that there is profoundness of experience, and there is impactfulness of activity. Because… if they had given you a limitless amount of time, you could do all those things – nothing wrong, I’m not against them – but they gave you such little time, with such tremendous potential of being human, that’s the problem! For every one of you, your life is precious, isn’t it?
Key #3 to Achieve Success and Create Impact – Caring
“It’s a precious life. What you call as ‘my life’ is just a certain amount of time and energy, isn’t it? Yes? As you sit here, your life is ticking away, or no? What is ticking away is not time, what is ticking away is your life! So, this energy that you call as ‘my life,’ how are you going to invest it?
Because if you’re doing something truly worthwhile, it gets over before you know what happened. Only miserable people will have a long life. For joyful people, life goes away as if it’s a couple of days. It passes away like that, if you are creating what you really care to create.
One thing that every young person should do is, stay by yourself at least for 2 to 3 days, and look at it: what is it that I want to invest this precious life into? What is it that will be worthwhile today, and worthwhile after 50 years, for me to invest myself into?
You invest your life into that! Whatever it is, however small, big, it doesn’t matter, this will be a life of fulfillment.”
You’ve just been given three keys to help you achieve success and create impact with your life. Will you use them?