Most people, at one point or another, have experienced some kind of knowing that was difficult to explain, like you suddenly understood something about the world, or like you knew something was about to happen before it did. This sense can show up often in small ways, like knowing what song was coming next on the radio or knowing who was calling before even looking at your phone.
But unfortunately, for many of us, intuition happens only once in a while and feels like hit or miss. Wouldn’t it be something to develop that intuitive power? What exactly is intuition, though, and how might we work to develop our own?
During a Q & A, a participant asked Sadhguru what the difference was between instinct and intuition. Sadhguru said: “Instinct is a survival process. There is a natural instinct to preserve yourself which might have gotten weak living in artificial circumstances, but if you go back and live in nature, within a short span of time you will see there is a different level of instinct in you.”
“So, instinct is a different aspect; instinct is a certain dimension of physical perception. Intuition is not perception. Intuition is just a different dimension of computing the same information”
“So, how to develop intuition? There are various methods. The Shambhavi Mahamudra that you do definitely enhances one’s intuition, but don’t try to consciously enhance that, because you will go about doing guesswork. Guesswork is not intuition; intuition means you just know, clearly know that you can bank your life on it. Guesswork will lead you to a lot of confusion. There are specific methods to develop intuitiveness. There are certain systems of yoga which are totally left oriented. Here, the yoga that you learn with me, we want to bring a balance between the right and left because you want to live a normal life.”
“There are certain systems of yoga where they’re not interested in what you call as normal life. Their only orientation is to develop intuition and see life in a certain way. What they do is, they take beeswax and close off the right nostril. 12 years, one solar cycle, 12 and a quarter years, they block off the right nostril, and you will see, the logical mind will almost die.”
“You will have no thought process, but you just simply know things like a cobra. A cobra, which is in Chamundi Hill, if there is going to be an earthquake in California, nothing has started, no Richter scale is saying anything, but this cobra will already start behaving in a different way. That’s the reason why you see Shiva is carrying cobra.”
“What you can do is the simple practice of Shambhavi definitely opens up that dimension.”
“But before you go into intuition it is very important the logical dimension of your life is properly, properly established, otherwise every fool who can’t think straight will think he is intuitive. First establish the logical dimension of your life perfectly clear, then explore intuitiveness – it will be fabulous. But without establishing logic you try to walk in the intuitiveness, you’ll just go into a world of confusion.”