In our days of constant hustle and bustle, there are beautiful sunrises and sunsets almost every single day. Some days, we take the time to stop and look at these beautiful works of art that nature displays to us and for that moment, it feels blissful. Then, we get right back into our daily routines and that fleeting moment of beauty is lost. That feeling of being at peace is not easy to hold onto for long periods of time for most of us. 

Is this state of bliss just triggered from the outside, or does there need to be a state of equilibrium within? What if you could hold on to that blissful state? Are there practices that could help? What if being blissful was just your normal state of being?

Sadhguru answers all of these questions – “If you breathe the coolness of the air, how does it get you? Neurologically, it travels almost instantaneously. But there’s another system, beyond your neurological system. The pleasantness of the neurological system, once it sinks deeper, sitting here blissfully becomes a normal thing.

“Why most human beings even struggle to know a little bit of peace or joy in their life? Why most human beings are not able to establish this as their quality? I know too many philosophies have been said, but let’s look at it technically, why is it not happening, something so simple?”

“So, all experiences of life, how are they entering us? If you breathe the coolness of the air, how does it get you? Neurologically, it travels almost instantaneously.”

“Pleasant, if you eat or taste something pleasant, or see something pleasant, or hear something pleasant, essentially, first it touches your sense perception. From there, quite instantaneously, the neurological system takes it up to your brain, and creates a pleasant experience, or an unpleasant experience.”

“This pleasantness of experience, or unpleasantness of experience, is not entirely in the stimuli from outside. Partly, yes – it also depends on how you are at that moment. There are two aspects to it. One is the nature of the stimuli. Another is how we are right now, which means what our impressions are, what our samskara is, what our karmic substance is.”

“So, when everything cooperates and pleasantness happens.”

“There is another system beyond your neurological system, which is the pranamaya kosha, which is as elaborate, if not more elaborate, than the neurological system, but it moves, I would say, 100 times or more, slower than the neurological system.”

“Let’s say you watched the sunrise, and you felt wonderful for a moment; that moment is neurological pleasantness, or sensory pleasantness. For it to become part of your life energy, you need to hold it. You need to hold on to that experience, you must be able to stay there”

“Because it’s at least 100 times slower – for lack of…exact measure, I’m saying at least. Normally if you can hold on to 24 minutes, any experience of sweetness of experience, even if it’s taste – taste, smell, vision, auditory – if you do this to yourself, the pleasantness of the neurological system, once it sinks deeper into the pranic system, then sitting here blissfully becomes a normal thing.”

“The sensory experiences, if you stay with it, this will become your quality.”

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POSTED IN:Happiness, Health, mind, Stress, Yoga and Meditation
  1. Mohan Kumar Chaubey Reply
    Shambhavi Mahamudra & Being with Maa Linga Bhairavi just changed my life which was full of stress and depression...Now I can look at life more deeper and I am growing everyday...I am relaxed inside and outside as well...

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