What does it mean to be successful? Does it relate to money, fame, power, or a certain social status? Achieving success might not be the same for everyone. One person may feel succ[...]
When someone states that a person is considered a genius, who do you think would fit into that category? It is a man in a lab coat who has made remarkable discoveries? Is it an art[...]
Astrology is based on an understanding and interpretation of the positions of the stars as it relates to a person’s personality and life. Many people consider the process sci[...]
LACK OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY When it comes to being couch potatoes, Americans aren’t alone. Physical inactivity has become a global pandemic, according to researchers in a series of r[...]
In this video, Kurt Stutter, the creator of The Sons of Anarchy TV series, relates his earliest memory of driving a motorcycle in his 20s. He recalls how the speed gave him an empo[...]
A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, commonly practiced in the Western Hemisphere, but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesi[...]
Would you like to have more fun in your life? Would you like to be immersed in all you do with a flowing ease? Would you like to be so versatile that no matter what life puts befor[...]
The passion driving many life goals is to experience the best life possible. What are the aspirations in your life? Are you thinking about your next house, a better car, the next g[...]
A boy once came upon a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. He sat and watched the butterfly for many hours. There was a small hole in the outer lining and the butterfly seemed t[...]