
There is a horrible expression in the United States: “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” Although the expression is strange and outdated, the message is essentially that there is more than one way to approach a problem. How do most of us make decisions for our lives? Is it our mind, our body, or our emotions that drive our daily activities? Most of us would say that we use our mind to make logical or rational decisions based on the information that is available to us. Even someone who is emotional can agree that the mind deeply affects our emotions. Although we may strive for mental clarity in order to find balance, we can see that the mind’s activities are not constant. Something that you feel clear about today can become very muddled the next day. What you think you know with certainty, can be changed in an instant.

If the mind changes constantly, is there another way that we can approach life other than relying primarily on the mind?


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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment
  1. Liz Reply
    As a person with social anxiety i know the irrational fears too well yet i cant help but believe them! It traps me constantly. Im in constant turmoil & drained out emotionally physically & mentally. So id like Sadghuru to talk about social anxiety. The lives of non-anxious people are a breeze compared to our lives. We need you!

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