Many may have noticed that different spiritual groups wear different colored clothing. There are those who wear all orange, those who wear yellow, those who wear maroon, those who [...]
Homes shine bright with clay lamps and design patterns called rangoli. The aroma of elaborate feasts permeates the air, and fireworks can be seen as they crackle during the day and[...]
According to the American Psychological Association: More than 18 months into the coronavirus pandemic, Americans remain in limbo between lives once lived and whatever the post-pan[...]
It was her best idea ever. She envisioned herself beaming with joy when her new goal was accomplished. She spent a few hours planning the event. The next day, she started to make t[...]
Is there some kind of connection between overcoming our problems and being in sync with the natural rhythm of life? In this video, Sadhguru sheds light on this topic and explores w[...]
In this video, Sadhguru answers an age-old question on relationships: Is there really such a thing as ‘The One’? Is there a dedicated soulmate out there for each person? Answering [...]
Is it possible to remember past lives? And if so, is this more accessible for some people rather than others? And if this is possible, what might go through a child’s mind before a[...]
We know that we have two eyes capable of seeing physical phenomena. But did you know that we can only see that which stops light? For instance, we cannot see the air because it doe[...]
His exams were scheduled for Thursday, but it was only Monday and he felt he was still in control with plenty of time to study. By Wednesday, after attending two study group sessio[...]