Each morning he was determined to stick to his new diet regimen. After all, his doctor had told him that he should lose some weight. He tried writing out a week’s worth of meals that included healthy choices and fewer calories. However, with his work schedule and social responsibilities, he often found it hard to adhere to his written meal choices; he wondered if he would ever be able to fulfill his desire to slim down.

Have you ever noticed that when you were younger, you had certain desires that maybe you never fulfilled and a year or two later those same desires appeared so ridiculous that you couldn’t even imagine that you entertained doing them? Our desires can change as we grow and often are quite fleeting. But what about those that we aren’t able to make a working part of our lives, but nonetheless, they still nag us on occasion?

Sadhguru decodes the mechanics of success and explains why establishing your way of being is most essential if you want to function at the best of your intelligence and capability.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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