What does it take to have a good life? People read books, blogs and other posts, listen to taped and video media and take numerous classes, all in an effort to enhance their livin[...]
One of the most accepted methods of getting oneself to feel relaxed and happy is drinking alcohol. Alcohol increases activity in the dopamine neurons in the mesolimbic reward path[...]
People often spend time imagining the life they want. It could be about their dream job, special house, car, significant other or any number of wishes. Some try to make a plan to h[...]
Everyone is connected to something. It might be an idea, goal, place, another person or even a pet. In our everyday life, we usually encounter at least one person, if not several[...]
Did you ever feel as if you are moving along in life on “automatic pilot”? When driving a car, you can set it to move at a certain speed automatically; you then just have to steer [...]
Sports play a major role in most cultures. When engaged in a sport or similar activity, almost everyone wants to win. However, any time that two teams or two players are facing eac[...]
No one wishes to be sick or in pain; we all hope for a healthy life. However, how to be healthy? It so often seems like a challenge, amidst the huge amount of sometimes conflictin[...]
When someone gets something in life that you think is special, can you say congratulations and mean it? Or do you feel upset and think, “Why wasn’t that me?” Feelings o[...]
Everyone wants to love and be loved. But, ideally, what does that mean? Why do so many relationships crash and burn or at best, partners ride a bumpy road together? The desire t[...]