Raj Raghunathan, of the University of Texas, compiled a research project based on the realization that although he had an MBA and had achieved considerable success, he wasn’t[...]
For thousands of years, people have been going to doctors and other types of healers with the hope that they can be cured and feel better. Traditional medicine was based on a holis[...]
The concussion epidemic The movie “Concussion” 2015, highlighted the National Football League (NFL) attempt to suppress research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) brain deg[...]
It’s that time of the year when people are thinking about the holiday ritual of gift-giving. Shoppers are dashing about in stores and online, looking for those special gifts for th[...]
As children develop from infants to teens to adults, they go through a series of developmental stages that are important to all aspects of their personhood, including physical, int[...]
Even though you could be with many people throughout the day or even be in a lifelong relationship, you can still experience persistent loneliness. Countless people, after attendin[...]
The meaning of Thanksgiving usually includes large dinners, four-day weekends, football games, parades, family gatherings, and a precursor to Christmas shopping and preparation. Th[...]
Life unfolds in the present. But, so often, we are caught up in the past, or dreaming about the future. Most aspects of modern life create mental fragmentation and distraction. Mos[...]
There are many types of relationships in our lives: those at work and at home, with friends, and even with animals and the environment. The dictionary defines relationships as the[...]