Have you ever gone to bed with the intent that when you start the next day, you will definitely begin to adhere to a healthy diet? You include in your new regime a time for practicing yoga and a time for your new meal preparation. But the alarm rings and you press snooze. You spend the next half-hour asleep and when you finally wake up, you only have time for a quick shower and a mediocre breakfast.

What happened? Why can’t we stick to what we promise ourselves? Why is it that one time we do our practice, and it is a beautiful experience, but another time it is less so? Why do our lives fluctuate so much?

A seeker asks Sadhguru why his spiritual experience seems to have so many ups and downs. Sadhguru responds that spirituality is fundamentally about you, not about what you gathered from the outside. He explains that spirituality can become a natural process as one moves towards experiencing the true and essential nature of life.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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