In this video, Sadhguru shares an intense example of what humans will contemplate to prove their dominance. In addition to the perhaps shocking main story from the height of the Cold War, he also shares everyday examples of our behaviors that can be equally troubling. But, because we are often unaware of their impact, do we even give them a second thought? Can we be and do differently? As always, Sadhguru provides much needed guidance.
“In 1958, both the United States and the USSR governments, wanted to explode a nuclear bomb on the Moon. Did you know this? They wanted to prove that they could dominate the outer space and they thought the way to prove it was to nuclear bomb the Moon!”
“Then, the US strategists went back on it because they thought, ‘Suppose you launch this bomb and suppose it misses the moon? It’s always possible it’ll come straight back and hit some part of the planet.’ So, they gave it up.”
“The USSR gave it up because they calculated that because there’s no atmosphere, the amount of dust that would rise from the nuclear bomb would be so little and so brief that they might not be able to catch it on the camera in an impressive manner. So, they gave it up for that reason.”
“But, can you believe it? They wanted to bomb the Moon! Hello? There is nobody to kill, the terrain doesn’t belong to anybody yet, but they want to bomb the Moon.”
“This is a clear example of how human beings have been living here. Aren’t we the worst virus on the planet? Every day we are killing 200 million animals on the planet, in the name of nourishment. That’s over 1.2 trillion fish per year and some 72 billion other animals per year. For 7.6 billion people, do we need this much food? We don’t need that much food, but we are killing because we’ve started an industry.”
“From 1970 to 2016, 68 percent of the vertebrate population has been exterminated. By now over 70 percent of the vertebrate population have been killed in 50 years. And a similar percentage of insects, worms, other bio-activity, we have destroyed. If anybody else was observing, they would think, ‘These viruses, we must eliminate somehow.'”
“If any other species had done what we are doing to this planet, would we have not thought how to eliminate this species? When we are willing to bomb, the moon, just to prove that we can explode something out there, and we want to take a picture!”
“How many things you’re doing to take a selfies? People are falling off bridges, people are getting run over by trains. Hello? To take a picture, to prove a point!”
“All this is because a human being doesn’t know how to be, he has to do. If we were other creatures and we had brains only to do what is needed for us, that would have been good. Even now, if you take away half your brain, you will be quite a safe creature. When you have a full-grown brain, you must know how to be otherwise this is a dangerous instrument. Without knowing how to be, without being conscious the consequences are terrible. Every other creature knows.”
“We have forgotten we are human beings, that’s the whole problem. We have forgotten we are life and our life is enmeshed with everything else. ‘Sadhguru, we came for a spiritual morning and you are giving us an environmental talk.’ No, no, I’m talking spirituality.”
“Because the spiritual process means, you broke the boundaries of your physical self. Once you break the boundaries of your physical self, just everything is you. This is not environment. Right now, environment, ecological concerns are in the textbook, in a school or a university. Our sense of environment and ecological concern has to live in our hearts, not in a textbook. It will only happen if you pay attention to life.”