Spirits, devils, ghosts, paranormal activity… are all of these simply the stuff of horror movies, or are some of these phenomena real? The idea of life after death is often associated with mysticism, fear, or something that cannot be perceived or known, and many cultures have specific customs and rituals to help deceased loved ones find a pleasant or even blissful afterlife. But can some people get stuck on the Earthly plane?
There are countless instances where people experience things that seem unnatural or unusual after someone’s death, and especially when someone close passes away, there are stories of how people can see or feel the presence of those who are dead. Are such things possible? In response to one such question, Sadhguru explains the nature of these experiences and demystifies death and occult.
Sadhguru: “What you should do is… you stop relating to the dead. One thing that you need to understand is someone is your grandmother, your mother, your father, whoever they are to you, whatever they might have been to you, however dear they might have been to you, however close and intimate they might have been to you, the moment they shed their body, their general sense of mind, intellect and emotion, your business with them is finished. They left all those things here right? Yes? Some other sap is still on, but you never had any relationship with that sap. So the only thing that you do when somebody dies is you cherish the beautiful moments that you had with them. Don’t try to work your guilt and your problems through the dead.”
“Leave the dead to the dead” – you know, somebody said this a long time ago? When so much emotion is mixed up, there’ll be so many things which will happen within you and outside of you. There is no need to. What is the work to do, do it, do your sadhana, be with the man who is still alive, stop trying to be with the dead. Just be with your grandfather who is still alive, see how to enrich your life and his life for those few moments that you are there, rather than doing all kinds of fanciful things with your grandmother. So she has no business to come and look in her cupboard…”
“There have been instances where, you know, somebody dies and like she is saying right now, actually things moving around, especially things that they intimately used, in the immediate few days after the person is dead. That person is not coming and moving anything. It is just that, that whatever your energy that was associated with that is sort of withdrawing. See, now your engine is on in the car standing there without any too much vibration. When you switch it off, when it’s just dying down, do you see, little extra shake in the car? It’s stopping, actually it should recede but that’s not how it is. From one mode to another mode when it shifts, there will be a little extra reverberation. Similarly your engine is going off. Now, there will be little extra shake all over the place, that extra shake is mistaken to be ghosts walking all over the place.”
“So for all these things to ensure that those things are cleaned up, if a person dies today after three days we will do one kind of procedure, on the 11th day we’ll do another kind of procedure, on the 13th day we’ll do another kind of procedure, at the 40th day we’ll do another kind of procedure. All this is to ensure that no residue of that person remains. So that dead can be packed and sent, living can continue their life. If the living get involved with the dead, they will lose their life in so many ways. All this spooky- spooky thing is sort of intriguing, but it can just consume your life in so many different ways, in many ways, in ways that you will not understand right now and in ways that need not be very pleasant. Unless you’re sufficiently established and in a certain level of capability, you should not look in that direction, it’s not necessary.”