It is likely that every human has, at one point or another, wondered what their future holds. Many long to know what tomorrow will look like, which can be seen from the widespread popularity of horoscopes and palm readers. Some want to know the winning lottery numbers, some want to know if they will get married, and some want to know if they will succeed in their career.
But, why do so many want to know their future? What if we learn the future, and we do not like what we learn? Luckily, the future is not set in stone. One of the unique aspects of being a human being is the ability to create our own destiny. We must simply put this latent ability into practice.
Hear Sadhguru speak about the limitless possibilities that the future holds, and how we may get to the best ones. Instead of looking for predictions, if each and every human simply commits to leaving the world better than how they found it, there is no limit to the fantastic possibilities that can be created on this planet.