“Right now, do you see the whole world is painted either with money or sex?” asks Sadhguru. One has only to drive through a major city and look at the billboards to find that an inordinate amount of human attention goes to these two facets of life. How do we deal with them, and is there such a thing as a healthy attitude toward money and sex?
Today, as the whole world has become a marketplace, much human effort is devoted to the making of money. Many people make important decisions regarding their lives, like the choice of a career for example, based on the monetary rewards promised in return. But, as simply a convenient means to exchange value, money itself has failed to bring fulfillment. Why then, as the person in the video inquires, is man so enormously obsessed with money?
In response, Sadhguru points out that money itself is not the obsession, but rather what money can buy.
So is there anything wrong with money?
Money in the pocket, he explains, keeps life easy and good. People may gather it to further their spiritual progress so they have a satisfactory financial base to stand on. He then goes on to reveal the root cause of the encumbrance caused by both money and sexuality as well as how one can remediate these burdens.
“These are two things right now in the world which is taking almost 95 percent of human energy: money and sex.” – Sadhguru
In this video, excerpted from an Inner Engineering program, Sadhguru, in his unique style, reveals not only the truth but also a simple tool to counter the ubiquitous pressures exerted by money and sex. For those who wish to rebut the overbearing worldly influences that stifle inner progress, this video is an eye-opener.