While there are many mysterious aspects of this world, perhaps none is more mysterious than the human mind. Scientists and philosophers have argued for thousands of years about the nature of the mind, and there has been little agreement. Furthermore, it is rare to hear someone speak in depth about how best to use the mind.
But, without such information, how are we to function in the world? We all have a mind, yet, most do not know how to manage it. In the United States, this lack of understanding can clearly be seen in the very high rates of mental health problems, which most severely affect youth. Since there is no course in school on how to manage the mind, it is no surprise that more and more people are suffering their own mind.
Hear Sadhguru speak in depth about the workings of the mind and the identity. Through explanations and anecdotes, Sadhguru sheds light on the prejudice of identity, the nature of karma, and the possibilities of the mind. If we understand this message deeply, we can shift our mind from working only for our own survival, to working towards a greater possibility.