Last month everyone in the U.S. celebrated Thanksgiving. Around 45 million people travelled to be with their family. For many, this was the first time in a year or more that they g[...]
Have you ever noticed that some people tend to favor mornings or evenings as their peak times? Which are you? Are you the morning person who rises early with a spring in their step[...]
Yesterday you felt great and ready to experience your day. On the following day you wake up and you’re very different. You no longer feel motivated to do much of anything. What hap[...]
On September 12th, a different kind of event was being hosted in Prescott, an Arizona retirement city. The Isha volunteers in the community organized a Meditation For Beginners eve[...]
On September 12th, a different kind of event was being hosted in Prescott, an Arizona retirement city. The Isha volunteers in the community organized a Meditation For Beginners eve[...]
Recently Isha Kriya, a simple and powerful meditation created by Sadhguru, was offered to 130 students at Drexel University in Philadelphia. The effect one sitting of this meditati[...]
A relentless mind, chattering away about the sentiments of worry, fear, and desires; calling up horrific and pleasurable scenes, like a machine with the button pressed to on. Often[...]
What do think of when you hear the word yoga? Many people envision a person in various poses, among which some seem quite difficult, as the body is placed in all sorts of twists an[...]
The alarm rings; it’s a new day. We get up (well…maybe after two snooze-button reminders) and go about our morning routines. Next, we head out to work or school. Periodically, thro[...]