If you woke up during the first few days of the COVID-19 virus and thought you were in some kind of nightmare, you were not alone. Many people found it difficult to believe that an[...]
Consciousness is often defined as our individual awareness of our thoughts, memories, emotions, and sensations as we experience our environment. If you are feeling sleepy,you may h[...]
Have you ever read a book, listened to a friend’s story, or seen a movie and thought to yourself that you wished that was your life? Often, we dream about “What if this?” or “What [...]
During this critical time, many people are swimming in fear and anxiety. Questions about the course of the coronavirus and its impact on our lives tomorrow and even next month are [...]
The debate as to whether a vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet is the better life choice continues to this day. Looking at both groups, you might find some similarities and some spac[...]
Getting a good night’s sleep in contributing to your overall energy levels. But while we all know how important regular shut-eye is, we aren’t always aware of all the different wa[...]
Have you ever seen photographs, paintings, or sculptures and admired the artists’ awesome creativity? Or listened to a new song, totally immersed in the quality of the notes and ly[...]
Love is often described as the most powerful force in the universe, but what does that really mean? And if love is so powerful, what kind of power does it wield? And what about the[...]
Confined at home, the children still made a play day out of it: first was the conversion of the bedroom into a blanket tent/fort; next came the makeshift swords painted and cut fro[...]